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The Future of Skills-Based Hiring: Maximizing Your Talents Into a New Role

2025, a new year and a great time to reflect…on the previous year and what you want to change or improve in the year ahead. January also feels like a clean slate to start your next great thing, which, for some people, means kicking off the search for their next job. 

The current job market can be tough, especially if you are looking to change industries or careers. Let’s face it - not every career has the growth path you’d like, not every industry is thriving, and sometimes you just need to change it up! You know you can do the job, but how can you best leverage the skills you’ve gained into that next challenge? We put together some ideas we hope can help you get a leg up on the competition.

  1. Start with your wishlist. Make a list of what is most important to you in your career. This list might include a better salary or total compensation package, certain benefits, industry, location, work-from-home flexibility, and/or core values and culture, among other attributes. This list should be personal and as specific as possible - the more you understand what you desire, the more likely you are to find a job that fits you well.

  2. Research your target industry(s) and your ideal role(s). The more you understand trends, challenges, and in-demand skills within a new industry or for a completely different career, the better you can tailor your past experience to leverage a move. Learn industry terminology, and it’s also helpful to know if there are certain certifications that would give you an advantage in a certain position or industry.

  3. Identify your transferable skills. Transferable skills are the skills that you might use in any job - project management, communication, problem-solving, leadership, etc. As you review your past experience, pinpoint those skills that might be most applicable to your target role or target industry, and use examples in your resume/interviews that highlight your results and impact by using those skills.

  4. Network strategically. Connect with professionals in your target career or industry through LinkedIn, industry events, or professional groups. If someone is willing, schedule an informal chat to better understand the industry and get advice on entering it.

  5. Tailor your resume and LinkedIn profile. Focus on achievements that align with your target position’s/industry’s needs and that show your ability to adapt and learn new skills. Use applicable industry terminology to highlight your accomplishments. Be careful here if you use AI - ensure that the terms are used appropriately and your resume/profile still has your voice. You don’t want either to sound like a robot wrote it!

  6. Upskill and showcase your growth. If there are certain achievable certifications that will help you move careers or industries, go for it. Enroll in other courses, online or otherwise, that are relevant to your target position/industry. Highlight your learning journey on your resume and on LinkedIn to show potential employers that you are committed to this change.

  7. Position yourself as a fresh perspective. Most companies want to hire employees who will bring innovative ideas to their company to fuel revenue growth. By highlighting any experience you have working in cross-functional roles or on special projects where you explored other teams or industries, you can emphasize how your transferable skills will help this new company improve.

  8. Target and apply for the right roles. Look for positions that might require a hybrid of your current expertise and your ideal position’s/industry’s needs, as these positions might provide the right bridge to allow you to transition careers/industries more easily. 

Admittedly, many of these tips require intentionality and time that you might not think you have, but the investment is worth it if you’re ready to shake up your job in 2025. Follow SymphonicHCM on LinkedIn to stay abreast of our new searches, and maybe we can help you make that big career move.

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