Do you know someone who would be a great fit for one of our positions? Or have a friend that's looking to build their team? Connect us with a great candidate or company and you could be Symphonic Rewarded!
In an effort to connect our amazing network with potentially life-changing opportunities, this is SYMPHONIC REWARDS - SymphonicHCM's Referral Program. Great referrals earn great rewards!

Refer a Candidate
If you connect us with a great candidate who we can present to a client, you’ll be rewarded with gifts and cash - the further your referral goes in the interview process, the more you’re rewarded!
Give us a name that turns into a submission: $5 Starbucks gift card
If that person gets a client interview: $25 Visa/Mastercard gift card
If that person gets placed: $250 Visa/Mastercard gift card and a special thank you surprise!

Refer a Company
Help us grow! We have found that good people know good companies and even better hiring managers. If you connect us with a business growth opportunity (someone who needs help with staffing, HCM consulting, or a similar area we can support), you’ll be rewarded:
Give us a client manager name that turns into a meeting: $5 Starbucks gift card
If that meeting turns into an opportunity: $25 Visa/Mastercard gift card
If we win that opportunity: $250 Visa/Mastercard gift card and a special thank you surprise!